Don’t make every youth meeting “the same old thing!” Variety is he spice of life, especially with youth.
Here are some ideas for ways you can change things up a little bit!
- Rearrange the chairs or layout every couple of weeks.
- Rearrange your normal schedule for an event
- Involve someone else
- Use a different medium of communication- i.e. if you always use OHP try PPT, Flip Charts, Posters, Signs, etc to make your key points
- Add music, video, or other multimedia
- Change the location – i.e. do a Bible study on the feeding of the 5000 sitting in a field.
- Change the Decor – decorate the room like a football pep rally for a lesson on teamwork!
- Change your wardrobe – come to youth meeting in a hawaiian shirt, football uniform, dressed up as a Bible character
- Add Props – add a slingshot for a story on David and Goliath, add a ram’s horn Shofar for a story about the walls of Jericho
- Add a game
- Use teams
- Use Drama
Have you got some more ideas?… add a comment and let us know some ways you have added a little variety to your youth meetings!

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