Many churches are beginning a new education year and recruiting new Sunday School Teachers and youth workers. As such I have had requests for a simple Sunday School teacher’s covenant. Here is one that I have used in the past: (just replace the parts in brackets with your church name, ministry position or department as appropriate)
Believing that the privilege of guiding people in the Christian way of life is worthy of my best, I pledge, as a [teacher, youth worker etc] in [Church Name] to:
- Be an example to my students in speech and conduct, earnestly seeking to win them for God and grow them in Christ (Prov 11:30)
- Be regular and punctual in attendance; and in case of unavoidable absence, give notice thereof as far in advance as possible (1 Cor 4:2)
- Make thorough preparation for the lessons and my other duties each week (2 Tim 2:15)
- Help my students to understand and love the Bible (Psalms 119:16)
- Attend the planning meetings with my [Superintendents, Directors, Youth Ministry Team, etc] (Luke 14:28-30)
- Co-operate wholeheartedly in the plans and activities of the church and [Sunday School Department / youth Ministry] (1 Cor 3:9)
With the help of God, I will do my utmost to keep this pledge. Amen.

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