How To Avoid Gridlock And Give Your Youth Ministry The Green Light
Sometimes in youth ministry it feels like being stuck at a red light with cars on the left and right. Nothing is moving! Frustrated drivers honk their horns! There’s no apparent way to move forward, nowhere to go. In every direction, for as far your eyes can see, there are obstacles to your progress. Sound familiar?
Here are 5 top tips to avoid the jams and give your youth ministry the green light to move forward:
1. Add alternative routes.
Over time, we find the programs, the routines, and the ways of doing things that work well for us, and it makes sense to keep using them. Don’t abandon these unless they have become dead ends. You know these roads will eventually get you to where you need to go! If they seem a little slow at times, simply take advantage of the situation to listen to the music on the radio and enjoy the time away from the fast lane.
But don’t get too reliant on just one way. If you know your destination clearly, there are often many ways to get there. Add alternative routes to the tried and trusted ones. There are times you may need to add and focus on a different lane for a while. When you open up new lanes and routes for ministry you increase your breadth and can actually move more people into a closer relationship with God.
2. Keep your vehicle in prime condition.
If your vehicle is leaking water, is out of gas, and in desperate need of a tune up, then when you approach any kind of difficulties on the roads, it’s going to quickly breakdown. It’s the same with your youth ministry and your personal spiritual life. Make sure you have routine maintenance of your personal spiritual life. Time behind the wheel is not a substitute! Don’t wait for things to break down before you get your personal spiritual life back in tune!
3. Stay informed of the conditions.
On the roads, if you stay tuned in to the latest traffic announcements, you can avoid trouble spots before you get caught up in them. Are you looking ahead? Are you tuned in? Do you respond? God not only knows the road ahead but the best route to your destination. When you are tuned in to what lies ahead you can make adjustments earlier and your journey will be smoother.
4. Be prepared.
Anytime you take a trip it pays to take a little water for the radiator, a spare tire, and a gas can. Breakdowns WILL happen. Accidents do take place. Be ready for them and your journey will be a lot less stressful. The key is to anticipate potential problems and make sure you have the necessary resources to deal with them WHEN they occur. But preparation is not just having the resources, but also a plan to deal with difficulties. Don’t forget to include something to keep things fun and interesting while you do what it takes to get moving again.
5. Support others on the same roads.
Helping others traveling a similar spiritual journey can be very rewarding and actually inspire and add a spark to your own ministry. If you saw a family stuck in their car in the sweltering sun with no water and you had extra, you could reach out and offer them some of yours. Carry a pair of jumper cables as you never know who might need a jump start You could provide the spark that gets their engine running again and their ministry moving forward. Brainstorm some options you could take to support fellow youth leaders around you.
Use these 5 tips to help your youth ministry moving along, even when the conditions become more difficult and obstacles start to appear.

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