“When you stop achieving long enough to think about it, our world is full of overexpecters. They are in every profession, most of the schools, many of the shops, and (dare I say it?) in all the churches…
Because nobody screws up enough courage to tell overexpecters where to get off, these things keep happening:
- The little child loses his love for art because he is told time and again to stop coloring outside the lines. Parents are often overexpecters.
- The wife erodes in her joy around the house because she never seems to please the man she married. Husbands are often overexpecters.
- The gifted and competent employee gets an ulcer because the boss finds it next to impossible to say two monosyllabic words, ‘good job.’ Employers are often overexpecters.
- The once-dedicated, motivated pastor in a small church finally decides to change careers because he realizes he will never please his people. Church members are often overexpecters.
- The high school athlete chooses to hang it up at midseason because he knows that no matter what, he’ll never satisfy. Coaches are often overexpecters.
- And, yes, congregations get tired of being beaten and bruised with jabs, hooks, and uppercuts from pulpits. Preachers are often overexpecters…
I frequently think of Jesus as the Model. He promised people ‘rest’ if they would come to Him, not an endless list of unrealistic expections. He even said His yoke would be ‘easy’ and His burden ‘light.’ He was something else. Still is!”
Source: Charles R. Swindoll- “Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life”
Do we live according to expectations or purpose. Expectations come from outside ourselves. But purpose comes from within – knowing why we are here, what we were created for, and fulfilling that role in everything we do.

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.