Sleep now, little one.
I’ll watch while you and your mother sleep.
I wish I could do more.
This straw is not good enough for you.
Back in Nazareth I’ll make a proper bed for you
of seasoned wood, smooth, strong, well-pegged.
A bed fit for a carpenter’s son.
Just waith till we get back to Nazareth.
I’ll teach you everything I know.
You’ll learn to choose the cedar wood, eucaylyptus and fir.
You’ll learn to use the drawshave, ax and saw.
Your arms will grow strong, your hands rough – like these.
You will bear the pungent smell of new wood
and wear shavings and sawdust in your hair.
You’ll be a man whose life centers
on hammer and nails and wood.
But for now,
Sleep, little Jesus, sleep.
Author: Ronald Allan Klug

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