“Some years ago at the opening of a disarmament conference, in the midst of a speech of King George of England, someone tripped over the wires of the Columbia Broadcasting Company, tearing them loose and interrupting service. The chief operator quickly grasped the loose wires in his bare hands, holding them in contact, and for 20 minutes the current passed through him while repairs were being made. His hands were slightly burned, but through them the words of the king passed on to millions of listeners, and were heard distinctly. Without his courage and endurance, the king’s message would have failed to reach its destination.
“Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, has chosen to send His message of salvation to a lost and dying world through human means. Whatever the cost, the message must reach those who have never heard. Every faithful Christian who is willing is a human instrument through whom the King’s voice is reaching the lost with a message of deliverance, freedom and peace (vastly more important than the message from London.)
Source: Bill Bright – “A Handbook for Christian Maturity”
(A Campus Crusade for Christ book)
Scripture: Daniel 12:3

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