Game Description
In this outdoor water game, youth must perform a task while precariously balancing a bucket of water over their heads.
Game Materials
One bucket of water for each team of youth. You also might want to have a tarp or beach towels upon which youth can lie down.
Optimal Group Size for Game
This game can be played with only two youth on a team. The larger the team the easier the game becomes.
Game Venue
Best played outdoors.
You will want to exclude girls in skirts or dresses from this game as well as those wearing clothes that might become semi-transparent when wet. Youth should be prepared to get wet. If in normal clothes, before playing have youth remove anything that could be damaged by water from their pockets.
Game Preparation
Game Play
- Split the group into teams.
- Instruct each team to form a circle and then lie on their backs with their legs raised together in the center of the circle.
- With everyone in place, balance a bucket of water on the feet of each team of youth, stabilizing it until they can keep it stable on their own.
- Once the bucket is stable, inform the teams that they have 3 minutes to take their shoes off without spilling the water or dropping the bucket.
- Start the clock and the first team to successfully take all their shoes off without spilling the water or dropping the bucket wins.
Take it to the Next Level
- What strategies did you have for stabilizing the bucket of water?
- How were you able to free team members up to perform the necessary tasks while still supporting the bucket of water?
- In what ways is the bucket like the objectives or goals of an organization or group?
- What are some of the objectives and goals that you must support in a church, youth group, or organization?
- How can working as a team support the goals and objectives yet also free people up to perform necessary individual tasks and responsibilities?
- What are the potential consequences when there is too little manpower to support the goals and objectives of an organization?

Icebreakers Ahead: Take It To the Next Level
This 170 page resource not only provides 52 of the world’s most popular group icebreaker activities and games, but also includes lesson ideas and discussion questions to smoothly transition into conversations about the issues common to most groups.
Click here to find out how to get your hands on this incredible resource!