This idea centers around toilet paper. All you need to do is show a few rolls to youth and the giggles will start. But sin is no laughing matter. While at first it seems innocent and not a threat, it quickly binds us and hinders us, preventing us from doing and being all that God has planned for us.
What You Need
- Lots of toilet paper
Games using Toilet Paper
- Diaper Derby – Divide the youth into guys vs girls and give each group 1-2 rolls of toilet paper. Each group must then use all the toilet paper to create a mock diaper on someone on their team. First team to finish wins.
- Marble Run – Using the left over toilet paper tubes, teams must connect them together and let a marble roll through the entire length without dropping it. (You can add rolls from wrapping paper, paper towels, etc to make it even longer.
- Mummy Wrap – Create groups with three youth each in each group. Give each group two rolls of toilet paper. Two people wrap up (like a mummy) the third person in the group. The object of the game is to see who can wrap up their “mummy” the quickest with the entire rolls of toilet paper.
- Over and Under – Relay teams must pass the end of a toilet roll between the first person’s legs and then over the next person’s shoulder. When they get to the end of the line they reverse direction to the opposite end of the line again until the toilet paper gets to the front. If the toilet paper breaks they must start over again from the beginning.
- Roll drop – Be the first to hold an empty toilet paper tube six inches above a table and drop it so it lands upright and remains standing on one end. The secret: Hold the tube horizontally before you drop it.
- Stuffed – Each team receives the same number of rolls of toilet paper. At your signal, the teams must completely unroll the toilet paper and stuff it into the shirt of someone on their team. First team to completely unroll and stuff the toilet paper wins.
- Take What You Need – As youth arrive, offer a roll of toilet paper and ask each to take as much as they think they will need. If they ask, just say you are running a bit low on toilet paper and want to make sure everyone has what they need. Once everyone has arrive, sit everyone in a circle and ask them to share one fun fact about themselves for each sheet of toilet paper. Variation: Each youth must says one positive thing about themselves for each sheet of paper.
- Toilet Paper Blow – Teams of youth compete to see how long they can keep one square of toilet paper in the air by blowing it.
- Toilet Paper Dodge Ball – Take the core out of several rolls of toilet paper and then use them to play a game of dodgeball. If you get hit you must sit down and are out of the game. But if a roll of toilet paper happens to roll within reach, you can pick it up and join the game again.
- Toilet Paper Fight – The objective of this game is to have the least toilet paper on your side at the end of the game. Give each team several rolls of toilet paper, count down, and then let the toilet paper fly for 30-60 seconds. Part Two: First team to have their side entirely cleaned up wins.
- Toilet Paper Rollers – You need two broom sticks and 4-6 rolls of toilet paper. You will need 3-4 people to hold the poles. Pick two teams of 2-3 kids, usually boys against girls. Place rolls of toilet paper (ready to unroll) on broomsticks, (one per player) and on the command “go” they begin to unroll the toilet paper. First team to have all rolls completely empty wins.
- Toilet Paper Tag – Each youth sticks a length of toilet paper in a back pocket or the waste of their pants. It should hang down at least to the person’s knee. On go, players try to yank the toilet paper from each other’s waste. Last person to lose the toilet paper wins.
- Toilet Paper wrapper – Each team of youth (4-8 persons) is given two rolls of toilet paper and must stand in a circle next to each other and facing outwards (i.e. their backs are to each other). The person with the paper has to wrap the first roll around his or her waist a couple of times so that it stays in place. Then, without breaking the paper it must be passed to the next person on the right in the circle who does the same thing. If the toilet paper breaks, the youth must hold the broken ends against themselves and wrap the paper around his or her waste so that it covers this break and holds the wrapping in place, and then continue. There’s a good chance that at least one player will accidentally drop the roll of paper. It’s up to them how they decide to recover it, but they have to ensure that the wrapping of the whole team doesn’t break. The winning team is the first to hold up the two empty rolls with the paper wrapped around themselves.
- Toilet Tissue Measurements – Measure various items in the youth room using sheets of toilet paper (i.e. 6 1/2 squares). Make a list of items along with their measurements. Later, give the youth a list of the measurements along with a roll of toilet paper. The youth must then, in a given time, identify as many objects as possible by their measurements in sheets of toilet paper.
- Unrolled – Each player needs two assistants and a pole or broom. Place two rolls of toilet paper on each poll. Have the assistants hold each end of of the limbo pole. Using just their hands the players must unroll both rolls of toilet paper. The first player that is finished with both rolls wins!
- Unroll and Re-roll Race – Teams compete to unroll a roll of toilet paper and then re-roll it again. They must not break the roll of paper. If a roll does break, they must use masking tape to reattach it. Variation: They must use their nose to unroll and roll the toilet paper.
Take a roll of toilet paper and roll it around a person’s two outstretched fingers of one hand. Use the whole roll of toilet paper. Then ask them to separate their fingers and break the toilet paper roll. For most youth, if you have wrapped them good and tight, they will not be able to do so.
Explain that this is similar to what happens when we get tempted and sin. At first it seems very light and easy to break free from so we don’t think we’re in danger. But as we get wrapped up in it deeper over time it becomes increasingly more difficult to break free and becomes more and more of a hindrance. Other sins, like a piece of rope can bind us and hinder us almost immediately which prevents us from doing what God wants us to do. In either case, we are soon caught and can’t free ourselves.
Read Hebrews 12:1 – “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us”
- What are some of the sins that easily entangle us?
- How can we break free from the various sins and temptations mentioned?
1 Corinthians 10:13 – “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”
Romans 10:9 – “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.””
1 Thessalonians 5:23 – “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.”
- What are the temptations and sins that easily entangle you?
- How can you break free from them?
- How could God use you more effectively this week if you were less hindered by sin and temptation?
James 1: 13-15 – “When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.