Drawing of a manger scene with animals, wisemen, Mary and Joseph, etc. and a small drawing of baby Jesus big enough to fit in the manger for each participant. You will also need a means for the baby to stick to the baby Jesus to the wall (i.e. pins, thumbtacks, double sided tape, or blue tack.)
Game Preparation
In this Christmas variation of “Pin the tail on the Donkey”, create a complete Nativity scene that participants will use to try to place Jesus in the manger. Make sure you draw an outline for the baby Jesus, but don’t complete it. Place the picture on a wall or flat surface. If you are using pins or thumbtacks add a cardboard backing. You’ll also need to number each baby Jesus to be placed on the picture.
Game Setup
Each participant is given a baby Jesus. Blindfold the first person and spin them around 3-5 times, (so they are a little dizzy) and point them in the direction of the Nativity scene (2-3 feet in front of it). Tell them to walk forward and place the baby in the manger. Remove the blindfold and repeat the process with the next participant. The one closest to the actual outline of the baby Jesus wins!
Variation 1
Pin the star on the Christmas Tree – Use a Christmas star or angel instead of the nose The person who places the star closest to the point on top of the tree wins.
Variation 2
Place star above the Manger – Use the same nativity scene. The person who places the star closest to the correct position wins.
Variation 3
Pin the nose on the reindeer (or Rudolph). Use a picture of a reindeer. The person who places the nose closest to the correct position wins.
Variation 4
Pin the carrot on the snowman. Use a picture of a snowman. The person who places the carrot closest to the correct position wins. If you have real snow you can build a real snowman and then play the game with a real carrot.

Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season.
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