“When the angel Gabriel came to Mary and told her of God’s invitation to her to bear the Christ-child, there was a silence between the angel’s news and Mary’s response. In that silence, all the heavenly host became quiet and the celestial movement of the stars and planets ceased. In that silence even God himself leaned over from his heavenly throne and listened. The whole universe waited her reply. Then, when Mary said “Yes, be it unto me according to your word,” God smiled deeply while also shedding a tear, the angels began to sing, the heavenly host celebrated, and the cosmos had started once again.”
We will never know, at least not in this life, if Mary was the first one to whom this offer had been made. We will never know if God’s offer had been rejected before. What we do know is that Mary could have rejected the announcement.
I’m sure Mary may have had many ideas and expectations about what her life would be like. We all do. We knew she was expecting to marry Joseph. And then this angel shows up with a message from God that lays out a whole different plan for her future. To say that this was going to complicate her life is putting it lightly. While Scripture talked a lot about the coming of the Messiah, it didn’t include instructions for being the Messiah’s mom.
Mary is the ultimate example of a life yielded to God’s purpose. Mary puts God in the driver’s seat. But it’s one thing to see that kind of faith in a Biblical figure who lived 2,000 years ago. It’s another thing to live out that faith today, and walk in submission to God. True worship, True adoration, gives God control.
Let us rearrange our lives around the Savior. As Mary did!

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