Like you, I often take a look around the net for other websites that might have something I can use in in my own Youth Ministry.
Recently while researching for ideas related to doing a “Survivor” type event for youth I came across this site:
Youth Ministry ( <– click this link to take a look)
The site belongs to Steve Blanchard and his goal is similar to mine, to keep having fresh ideas and to share them with other youth leaders! He’s been in youth ministry almost 9 years so he has the experience and wisdom to help you with your own youth ministry!
There is always something you can learn from someone else who is also in youth ministry. As far as I am concerned our only competition in youth ministry is the world – not other youth leaders. We are all here to win young people to Christ and help them to grow in that relationship! We need to work together with other youth ministers whenever we can!
There’s a lot of other practical things on his site to help you in your own youth ministry. The best ideas and most creative ideas are those that have been tried and tested by people who are also regularly working with youth! He covers a lot of areas and things I simply don’t have time to cover here on Creative Youth Ideas.
While you are there, be sure to check out his “Survivor” Lock-in pages. He’ll also be happy to send you a copy of the document he uses to plan his own “Survivor” lock-in! Just give his youth ministry site a visit and he’ll tell you more!
With YOUth on my Heart!

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.