Youth, like all of us, are works in progress. And God’s priority is the development of our character.
“Bart decided to ask God to shape his character. He surrendered his own will to the will of God. At the time, Bart’s business floundered on the verge of failure. ‘Should I throw in the towel, or keep trying to hang on?’ Bart wondered.
“God replies, ‘You need to persevere.’ After we have done the will of God, then we will receive our reward. God’s will is for us to demonstrate to a hurting world how wonderfully His power can work within the person who perseveres.
“Certainly, there are days when we feel like we will die, or maybe even wish we could, but we keep going. Why? Why do we keep going? Because when we have done the will of God we will receive what He has promised.
“Will persevering guarantee we will succeed in the worldly sense of success? Is that what He has promised? Does it mean we will not go out of business if we hang on? No, but we can state emphatically that if we don’t persevere we will not succeed in any sense. Not persevering guarantees we will fail…
“Beyond succeeding in a worldly sense though, God wants our character to succeed more than our circumstances in such a way that our character eventually succeeds, for that is His highest aim, His will.”
Patrick Morley, “Walking with Christ in the Details of Life” Thomas Nelson Publishers

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.