“Security is the name of the game. Especially is this true in our relationship to God. To try to hang on to God is very tiring and very precarious.
I saw a good illustration of this in 1943 when I was a seminary student and pastor in Mountain View, California. I was walking to church on Sunday morning with my frisky, three-year-old son, Don. He was holding my hand as we walked along together. Then, without warning, Don missed his step and went sprawling on the sidewalk.
He was not hurt, but to avoid this happening again I took a firm hold of his little wrist. Sure enough, his boundless energy caused him to stumble several more times before we got to the church. But now the outcome was altogether different. When he would stumble, I would hold firmly to his wrist, and he would swing back and forth till his feet were back on the ground. What a difference it made when the father was holding on to the son instead of the son holding on to the father.
Our heavenly Father is not only the Divine Seeker, he is also the Divine Keeper. We are the recipients of both the “Divine initiative” and the “Divine tenacity.”
If my security is only as strong as my human faith and strength, then I am in real trouble. All of us are prone to sinfulness and stumbling. We all get tired trying to hang onto God, too pooped out to feel much security or peace. Our security is in God’s grip, not in ours…
Our security is not man-centered but God-centered. Our security is in a Christlike God. He is the ‘Peace-keeping force” in our lives.
Lord, help us to ‘let go and let God.’ ”
Source: Donald Russell Robertson- “Dear You” ISBN 0-8499-0677-6

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.