As you know, it is not often that I direct you to other websites. But this is one that you really need to take a look at.
The site is
Social networking sites have become very popular. They allow people to post information about their interests, favorite movies, and a lot of other fun information. They also have an online place to hang out with their friends! The most popular are Facebook and Myspace.
- But what if you could have your OWN social networking site?
- What if it was Christian based?
- At no cost?
And even better you could not only give your youth a place to mingle on the internet, but you could also use it to:
- coordinate emails
- send sms messages
- plan and schedule meetings!
That’s what does for you!
Go check it out now
- You get your own personlized link… like (
- Manage your youth database.
- Create Sign up form for events and activities.
- Organize your youth into classes, ministries, teams and other small groups.
It builds community within your ministry in a way that Facebook or MySpace don’t have a prayer in achieving.
Find out more at

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.