Parents become very supportive when they know what you are doing.
1. Videotape a some of your lessons, games, outings, etc. and show them to parents. For added fun, find someone who can edit them and make a small video collage of youth events. Works great for youth group publicity too!
2. Invite parents along for youth events as chapperones and sponsors. To avoid student embarrassment ask students if the mind their parents along for the event. If they do, have parents work with a different group of youth that does not include their sons and daughters.
3. Create a parent email list. Let parents know of important events and your lesson topics and schedule.
4. Inform parents of upcoming topics and have them source for related magazine articles, newspaper clippings and other resoources related to the topic. You will be amazed at the time you will save and the variety of information they can find.
5. On an ongoing basis, ask parents to photocopy information, newspaper stories, and articles related to youth statitistics, issues, and other youth related information.
6. When your youth are involved, attend non-church events such as sports, plays, musical events, and award ceremonies. You will get opportunities to talk to parents and youth and they will appreciate how much you care.
7. Try to contact parents at least once a quarter if you have not talked to them for other reasons. The personal touch goes a long way toward establish good rapport with parents.

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