According to a study of Big Brothers, Big Sisters in the USA, one of the largest mentoring organizations in the world
- Be a friend
- Don’t act like a parent
- Don’t try to be an authority figure
- Don’t preach about values
- Have realistic goals and expectations
- Focus on overall development, not performance and change
- Center initial goals on the relationship itself
- Emphasize friendship over performance
- Have fun together
- Youth spell love – TIME
- Informal activities lay the foundation for formal ones
- Shared activities become great discussion starters
- Give your protégé voice and choice in deciding activities
- Help them to explore possibilities and then make their choices
- Listen more than you talk
- Question more than you Preach
- Be positive
- Praise and encouragement build self-esteem
- Be supportive rather than critical – focus on solutions rather than problems
- Let the protégé have much of the control over what the two of you talk about
- Don’t push, be patient
- Be sensitive and responsive to cues
- Let them know that can confide in you without you becoming judgmental
- Listen
- Let youth vent without criticizing them
- When you listen they see you as a friend, not an authority figure
- Respect the trust your protégé places in you
- Respond in ways that show you understand. This is not the same as agree
- Reassure the protégé that you are there for them
- Advice should not be dispensed but mutually discovered
- If you have to convey concern or displeasure, do it with caring and understanding
- Sound like a friend not a parent… youth easily discern the difference
- Remember your relationship is with the youth and not the youth’s parent
- Maintain cordial contact, but you are not there to be a spy for parents. You are there to be a champion for the youth
- Keep your focus on the youth
- You are not there to bring about the parents wishes, but to help the youth discover their potential
- Be non-judgmental about the family
- You are responsible for building the relationship
- Take responsibility for making and maintaining contact
- Don’t expect adult to adult relationships

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