In Valladolid, Spain stands a monument to the great explorer Christopher Columbus. Its most interesting feature is the statue of a lion destroying one of three Latin words – three words that had been part of Spain’s motto for centuries.
On his first voyage, Christopher Columbus sailed through unknown waters to an unknown destination. Before his voyage, Spain’s standards carried three words in Latin. The same words were written on the left edge of the maps of that day. Even the Straits of Gibraltar carried the same three words, chiselled into stone.
What were the words?
“NE PLUS ULTRA – No More Beyond.”
While the world was convinced there was nothing more beyond, Columbus was not. His ships returned and the discovery of a land of wealth and opportunity “beyond” marked the dawn of a new age.
The world was forever changed. So much so, the king of Spain changed the motto of the land to read as it does today. One word is torn away by the lion making it: ” PLUS ULTRA – More Beyond! ”
With new worlds just over the horizon, the belief that there was nothing more was replaced by the confident claim that there was, indeed more beyond. This belief began the “Age of Discovery!”
More Beyond?
Like Spain, people mistakenly assume they have seen all there is to see, know all there is to know, and have conquered all there is to conquer. Their life motto is: “NE PLUS ULTRA – No More Beyond.” But yours can be different!
Make your motto: “PLUS ULTRA – More Beyond.”
Be the Christopher Columbus in the lives of those around you. With your example, show them there is more to know and achieve.
- Prepare your heart for discovery.
- Set your eyes on the horizon.
- Launch out into the blue.
You will discover not only new worlds, but a new you.
Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!
– Romans 11:33
Copyright 2005 by Ken Sapp

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.