Tips for using Stories.
- Don’t tell a story without practice.
- Do not analyze the story. Let the story speak for itself.
- Don’t make it a sermon. Stories enhance sermons; sermons do not enhance stories.
- Keep it vivid. Use words that paint mental pictures.
- Make sure it is appropriate. Age group and context are important considerations.
- Visualize the story. Rather than memorize, visualize. See the story in your mind’s eye.
- Consider student vocabulary level.
- Beware of tangents. tangents tend to confuse.
- Avoid too many details. Excessive detail also tends to confuse.
- Don’t show and tell. Use props sparingly Let your words do the communicating.
- Resist asking for feedback. Let the story simmer in your listeners’ minds.
- Do not illustrate a story. Stories within stories may work in writing but not in teaching.

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