1. One water gun. Vary the type of water gun depending on the occasion, whether it is indoor or outdoor, if people are in a mood to get wet or not.
2. Source of water for refills
Game Objective
Participants must name items that fit into a particular category without repeating or taking too long too long to think.
Game Play
1. Sit the group in a circle.
2. Designate one person as the “squirter” for the 1st round and give him/her the filled-water gun.
3. This student calls out a topic, such as “sports cars” and everyone in the game secretly thinks of one or more items in that category.
4. The youth leader calls out the name of a person in the circle to get started.
5. The person whose name has been called must yell out an item that fits the category and another name before the squirter can shoot him/her with the water gun.
6. If you get squirted before you can call out the item, you then become the “squirter” and must select a new category. If the item is a repeat of what someone else has already said, the Squirter can also squirt you and you become the squirter.
7. The previous squirter gets things rolling by calling out the next name!
1. Choose categories related to your event, a holiday, or a Bible Study Topic and write them on pieces of paper and place them in a bowl. Have the squirters randomly draw the category from among the slips of paper.
2. Add the rule that a person cannot call the person who just called them to make sure the game rotates around the circle.
Warning: Squirters have been known to turn this into an all out water fight against everyone in the circle!

Icebreakers Ahead: Take It To the Next Level
This 170 page resource not only provides 52 of the world’s most popular group icebreaker activities and games, but also includes lesson ideas and discussion questions to smoothly transition into conversations about the issues common to most groups.
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