- Pieces of white paper. (Almost any white paper will work: butcher paper, Mah Jong paper, posterboard, white tissue paper, even newsprint classified ads).
- Charcoal or a dark crayon
- Bright light.
Icebreaker Description
In this icebreaker / crowdbreaker, youth will try to guess the identity of other youth by looking at their profiles.
Set up the bright light so that it shines against a wall where you can place the pieces of paper. You will also need someone who can use the crayon or charcoal to follow the edge of the shadow projected onto the paper. Someone with some artistic ability is useful but not necessary.
Icebreaker Activity
- As each guest arrives he is taken into a room and asked to stand between a strong light and a smooth wall. Then the person drawing outlines the profile with a crayon or charcoal – outlining only the head.
- Be careful to write the name of each subject on the back of the drawing.
- When all guests have arrived the profiles are held up to see who can recognise the most people from the profiles.
- Show the profiles 1 at a time. Youth can make a numbered list and put the suspected person’s name beside each number.
Optional Debrief
- How were you able to recognise the profiles?
- What were some of the distinguishing characteristics that helped?
Optional Conclusion
In Scripture we are told that Jesus was the image of the Father. He was fully God and fully man. When you looked at Him you saw God. When He acted, He acted as God the Father. Many did not recognise Him as God because they focused on his physical form. Yet even though his physical form was different there were many things that revealed who he was. We are also to reveal God/ Jesus in our lives. What are some ways we can do this?
- As Jesus revealed the father through his words, deeds, actions, heart, etc., do your actions reveal God as your father?
- Do your actions, thoughts, words, deeds, and heart reveal Christ in you or your old self more clearly?
- What is something you need to put off to more clearly reveal the image of Christ in your life this week?
- Colossians 1:15 – Jesus was the image of God
- Colossians 3:10 – we are to put on the image of Christ
- John 14:9-12 – Whoever has seen Christ has seen the Father

Icebreakers Ahead: Take It To the Next Level
This 170 page resource not only provides 52 of the world’s most popular group icebreaker activities and games, but also includes lesson ideas and discussion questions to smoothly transition into conversations about the issues common to most groups.
Click here to find out how to get your hands on this incredible resource!