Icebreaker Description
In this icebreaker, team members must run around a person who is playing dead on the floor then join them playing opossum.
No preparation is needed, but a clean floor or carpet helps. This can also be played outside in a grassy field.
Opossum’s like to “play dead” when threatened. In this game you are to do your best imitation of a dead opossum.
Icebreaker Activity
- Form two teams of equal number and line them up single file in a line.
- The 1st person in line runs into the middle of your playing area and lies down and does his/her best imitation of a opossum playing dead.
- The next person must then run into the middle of the area…run around the person who is already lying down 2 times and then lies down next to previous person and plays opossum.
- This continues for each person in the team, each running around the opossums two times and then lying next to them.
- The first team to have everyone lying down wins!
When the last person runs around the team, the entire team jumps up and runs back across a predefined goal line. The first team across the final goal line wins.
Optional Debrief
- What is your usual response when you feel threatened? Is it to run away, get help, freeze, or play dead to the situation?
- When was the last time you felt threatened? Why?
“Playing Opossum.” In scripture we are told to consider ourselves dead to sin and alive to Christ. Of course this doesn’t mean we are really dead but we act as if we are dead. Dead men don’t need to steal. Dead men don’t lust. Dead men do no wrong. Dead men are not attracted by the desires of the world. To be dead to sin is to consider ourselves unaffected by the desires of the flesh. But there is more. We must be alive to Christ! We must live the things of Christ. We must live for Christ. Christ must be our life, our breath, our reason for living. Everything we do must be actions of life and the words we speak must be words of life. We must reckon ourselves dead to sin and a live to Christ!
What are some of the areas of your life where you need to play opossum?
What are some areas of your live where you need to be more christlike?
Other Potential Application Points
- Opossums like to play dead, but they are only faking it to avoid danger. Jesus did NOT play opossum. He was in fact dead in a tomb for three days. But he was resurrected!
- Christians will face an afterlife. That life can be one of joy in the presence of God or a second death.
Romans 6:1-11

Icebreakers Ahead: Take It To the Next Level
This 170 page resource not only provides 52 of the world’s most popular group icebreaker activities and games, but also includes lesson ideas and discussion questions to smoothly transition into conversations about the issues common to most groups.
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