Bag of Jelly Beans
Game Objective
Use Jelly Beans to separate your group into teams.
Game Preparation
- Determine before your event how many teams you want to have and how many people you want on each team.
- Choose one color of Jelly Beans for each team and remove the unwanted colors.
- Make sure the remaining jelly beans are of equal numbers for each color.
- Place all the Jelly Beans you have selected into a bag and mix them up.
If you want to prevent stained hands, wrap the jelly beans with a small piece of plastic wrap before you play.
Game Play
- When participants walk into the party, allow them to reach into the bag and grab one color of Jelly Bean to hold onto–not to eat!
- When everyone has arrived and you are ready to form teams, tell everyone to shout out their color until they find everyone else in their team.
- Make everyone hold the Jelly Bean in their mouth to compare colors and find their team.
- Make everyone Hold the Jelly Bean in their teeth to compare colors and find their team.
Combine this with Jelly Bean Salvation for a fun Easter Gospel presentation.

Games and Activities in celebration of Easter.
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