In this Easter Icebreaker, youth will need to discover each other’s secret Easter identity.
Colorful Plastic Easter Eggs (one for each youth)
Place a piece of paper inside each plastic Easter egg with an item on it. All items are related to Easter. Here is a list of potential items:
Easter items related to the Biblical account:
Gray fleece or donkey (Matthew 21:2-5), Palm branch or a coat (Matthew 21:8-11), A vial of perfume (Matthew 26:7-13), A lock of hair (Matthew 26:7-13), 30 silver coins or 3 10-cent coins (Matthew 26:14-15), A strip of terry cloth fabric or towel (John 13:4-11), A communion wafer or bread (Matthew 26:17-29), A communion cup or grape (Matthew 26:17-29), , Praying hands (Mark 14:32-42), A watch (Mark 13:37), Rooster or a feather (Luke 22:61), Piece of rope (John 18:12), A leather whip (John 19:1), Small piece of soap (Matthew 27:20-24), A piece of scarlet cloth (Matthew 27:28), A crown of thorns (Matthew 27:29), A cross (John 19:16-22), nails (John 19:16-22), Dice (John 19:23-24), darkness or Black circle (Luke 23:44-45), sponge with vinegar (John 19:28-30), spear (John 19:32-37), A shattered or split rock (Matthew 27:51, 54), Purple cloth (Matthew 27:51), Clean linen cloth or gauze (Matthew 27:57-61), Spices (Luke 23:55-56), A stone and wax or paraffin (Matthew 27:65-66), an empty tomb (Matthew 28:5-8), Sign reading “King of the Jews”
Easter items NOT necessarily related to Biblical account:
Easter Basket, Bells, Easter Bonnet, Bunny Hop, Candies, Chicks, Chocolate, Chocolate Rabbit, church, Peter Cottontail, Daffodil, Easter Card, Easter Egg, Egg Hunt, Egg Tree, Faberge, Hard Boiled egg, Hot Cross Buns, Jelly Beans, Lamb, Easter Lilies, Marshmallows, New Clothes, Easter Parade, Passover, Pastel Colors, Peeps, Pretzels, Rabbit, Ribbons, Spring, Straw, Easter Sunday, Sunrise Service, Easter Bunny
What to Do
- As each guest arrives at the door, give each youth a plastic egg with the secret item written inside (a person, a place, or a thing associated with Easter). It might be biblical or secular.
- Youth must mingle with the others at the Easter party to discover each person’s secret identity as written on the piece of paper inside the plastic Easter egg.
- Have a special prize for the person who correctly identifies the secret identity of the most people in the room by asking questions that can ONLY be answered with a simple “Yes” or “No”
- Youth are obligated to answer questions but only by saying “yes” or “No”
- The person who figures out everyone else’s “secret identity” first wins a prize! (You might want to provide a piece of paper for youth to write people’s names and their secret identity on.)
If you need to group the youth into teams for games or other activities, group them by color of Easter eggs. See Easter Egg Teams for specific detail on how to do this.

Games and Activities in celebration of Easter.
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