Icebreaker Description
Youth will share a little about themselves as they choose a dream vacation that reflects their life goals.
Icebreaker Preparation
Icebreaker Activity
- “You’ve just won a dream vacation for two. You can travel to any destination in the world and stay there for two weeks, and all your expenses will be covered. Where would you go?”
- “What if you there was an additional condition in the rules for your free vacation: You must choose a destination that will help you to achieve your goals in life? Would your destination change? What does your newly chosen dream vacation reflect about your goals, dreams, purpose in life, direction for your life?”
- Allow pairs time to discuss their new vacation choices and why they’d chosen them with their partners.
- Then have kids announce their choices to the entire group.
- Allow time for teenagers to ask each other why they chose their vacation destinations and what they reflect about their goals and dreams for the future.
When we think of vacations we think of fun and excitement. But when we think of our goals in life we often are fearful and less than optimistic about what the future holds for us. If we realise that God is in charge and we can trust him with our future, the future becomes so much less scary. They say that if you enjoy what you are doing, you will never work a day in your life. Every day will be like a vacation. When we find God’s purpose for our lives we will find meaning and joy in everything we do because we are living the life God intended.

Icebreakers Ahead: Take It To the Next Level
This 170 page resource not only provides 52 of the world’s most popular group icebreaker activities and games, but also includes lesson ideas and discussion questions to smoothly transition into conversations about the issues common to most groups.
Click here to find out how to get your hands on this incredible resource!

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