See if you can figure out these Politically Correct versions of classic Christmas Carols.
1. I’m Envisioning a Culturally Diverse December 25th with a Covering of Crystalized Water Particles of Non-Color
2. Noise Pollution-Free Evening, Spiritually Empowered Evening
3. O Botanical Growth with Special Meaning Attributed to December 25
4. This Unit of Royal Males Cominng from Eastern Geographic Locations
5. Higher Power (of your Understanding) Grant Serenity to Your Jocular Males of Distiinguishable Breeding
6. Deprivation of Sadness to the Conglomerate of Nations Found on this Bioshpere
7. Actively Listen! The Communication Spirit Guides of Heaven are Doing Music
8. O Small Community of the Middle East
9. Temporarily Relocated in Alternative Housing Shared with Nonndomesticated Animal Companions
10. Recognized Catholic Icon Named Nicholas Who is a Euphoric Senior Citizen
11. Societally sanctioned persons of the male persuasion who profess a patriarchal and Eurocentric creed, be positively emotionally inhanced.
12. Please reveal the identity of the chronologically challenged individual for which such information is being requested.

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