A lady takes her pet chihuahua with her on a safari holiday. Wandering too far one day the chihuahua gets lost in the bush, and soon encounters a very hungry looking lion.
The chihuahua realizes he’s in trouble, but, noticing some fresh bones on the ground, he settles down to chew on them, with his back to the big cat. As the lion is about to leap, the chihuahua smacks his lips and exclaims loudly, “Boy, that was one delicious lion. I wonder if there are any more around here.”
The lion stops mid-stride, and slinks away into the trees.
“Phew,” says the lion, “that was close – that evil little creature nearly had me.”
A monkey nearby sees everything and thinks he’ll win a favor by putting the stupid lion straight. When the lion hears the monkey’s story he feels angry at being made a fool, and offers the monkey a ride back to see him exact his revenge.
The little dog sees them approaching and fears the worse.
Thinking quickly, the little dog turns his back, pretends not to notice them, and when the pair are within earshot says aloud, “Now where’s that monkey gone? I sent him ages ago to bring me another lion….”

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