Make a grid of squares on a peice of paper. In each square write a characteristic. Children must then find someone whose dad fulfills that characteristis and have them sign in the square. First person to get all their squares signed wins.
Some possibilities for characteristics are
– Hair color isn’t black
– Wears specs
– travels on business
– Works as(name a job)
– Drives a car
– Wears tennis shoes
– Favorite hobby is (Name of a hobby)
– Likes (a specific food)
– Is tall/short
– Is on church council
– Wears a ring
– Is between 30-40 yrs old
– Is wearing (name an item)
– Has a brother
– Has a sister
– Lives (location)
– Has been to (country)
– Has a gold colored watch
– Watches soccer on TV
If possible think about the father’s of children in your class and use that as a guideline for characteristics.
Use this as a fun game for Father’s Day!

Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.
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