It’s going to be Valentine’s Day in a couple days, when everyone gets all romantic. While chocolates, flowers and candlelight dinners have their place, it is also a great opportunity to discuss the topic of love. Love isn’t just for romantic relationships, but for our relationships in the family, among fellow Christians, and in our relationship with God. So this week we have a memory game which serves as an object lesson on the topic of love. God so loved the world that he sent his Son (John 3:16) God is love. They shall know that we are Christians by our love. Have a great weekend! Love God with all your heart. Love your neighbour as yourself. So here’s to Love!
- A cookie sheet or tray
- 20 to 25 small objects from the list below.
- A cloth that will cover the tray
- Paper and pencil for each player
Objects List
- Tape
- Glue
- Stapler
- A bolt
- Paper clip
- Clothes Pin
- Button
- Piece of rope or strong
- Shoelace
- Spiral from a notebook
- Skewer
- Rubber band
- Key ring
- Blue tack
- Bandage
- Padlock
- Watch band
- Zipper
- Velcro
- Screw
- Thumb Tack
- Hinge
- Nail
- Safety Pin
- Straight Pin
- Sewing Thread
- Snap
- Zip Tie or cable tie
- Wooden Dowel
- Refrigerator magnet
Place all the objects on the tray and cover with a cloth to begin.
What to Do
- Have the youth sit in a circle where they can all see the tray.
- Remove the cloth for 60 seconds, then replace it.
- The youth then write down everything they remember seeing on the tray.
- The player who remembered the most items wins.
Take It to the Next Level
Make it Spiritual
What do all the objects have in common?
All of the objects are used to hold various things together. We often use tape and glue with paper. Staplers and paper clips also hold pieces of paper together. Bolts come in various sizes and are often used to hold two pieces of metal together. A bandage holds the sides of a cut together to stop bleeding. Even a refrigerator magnet holds paper to the refrigerator.
There is something else that needs to be held together as well and that is people. We need to be close to people. If we are not, life becomes very sad and lonely. We need to be close to our family, to our friends, and to our fellow church people-plus many others. Love holds people together better than anything else: ! Love is the best tape, the best glue, the best staple, the best bolt that you can find to keep you close to people.
There are other things that we sometimes think keep us close to others but they don’t work as well as love. You may think that it’s because you live on the same street that you are friends with a certain person, but if that is all that makes you friends it will be over with the first time you have a serious fight. Sometimes we think we are close friends with someone because we like the same sport or the same games but this usually doesn’t last either. Even living in the same house with your family will not automatically make you close to them. In every case what we really need is love for that person. No matter what you like doing with someone close to you, just remember that to love that person is the most important thing of all. Love will be the tape, the glue, the staple, the bolt that holds us together in unity.
Make it Practical
How can you show love to others this week? For your parents, your valentine, your siblings, your friends. All love finds its source in God. God is love. How can you love more like God loves others this week?
Scripture References
Matthew 22
Luke 10
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”
– John 13:34
“He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”
– Colossians 1:17

Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.
Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next Valentine’s Day activity as well as other familiar holidays. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do in celebration of the holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.
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