In this Icebreaker game for your Valentine’s Day Party, youth will move forward or backwards when they meet the Valentine’s day criteria that is called out.
- List of actions related to valentine’s Day or Dating
- Chairs in a circle, one chair per person.
- Arrange the chairs in a circle, facing inward to the center of the circle.
- Prepare the list of items
What to do
- Sit everyone in a chair and then read the instructions for participants to follow. Instructions should be related to Valentine’s Day or dating.
- If someone is in the chair you move to, just sit on his or her lap. You can stack people three or four high.
- The first youth to make it all the way around the circle wins. Have youth to take note of the chair they start in before you begin calling out situations.
Sample Instructions
- “If you are wearing something red, move forward one chair”
- “If you are wearing black, move back three chairs”
- “If you have a cute stuffed animal at home, move forward one chair.”
- “If you are not dating anyone right now, move back one chair.”
- “If you like chocolates, move forward one chair.”
- “If your birthday is in the month of February, move forward one chair.”
- “If you didn’t buy your sweetheart something for valentine’s Day, move back Two chairs.”
- “If you have said “I love you” to someone today, move forward two chairs.”
- “If your sweetheart has a habit that irritates you, move back one chair.”
- “If you have ever sang a serenade to your sweetheart, move forward 1 chair.”
- “If you have ever gone out on a date with a best friend’s boyfriend/ girlfriend move back 2 chairs.”
- “If you have ever made your own home-made Valentine’s Day card move forward one chair.”
- “If you kissed on a first date, move back one chair.”
- “If you have ever bought or received a red rose on Valentine’s
- “Day, move forward one chair.”
- “If you have never enjoyed a candlelight dinner on Valentine’s Day please move one chair backward.”
- “If you have ever shared a drink using two straws in the same glass move forward one chair.”
- “If you have ever forgotten to celebrate Valentine’s Day move back one chair.”
- “If you have a special love song that you share as a couple move forward 1 chair.”
- “If you have ever been embarrassed by your date on Valentine’s day, move backward one chair.”
- “If you have ever received roses or a gift from a secret admirer move forward one chair.”
- “If your car broke down on a date, move back 1 chair.”
- “If you have ever called your sweetheart just to hear his/her voice move forward two chairs.”
- “If you have ever called your boyfriend or girlfriend by the wrong name move backward 2 chairs.”
- “If You have ever sent flowers to someone anonymously move forward 1 chair.”
- “If you have ever gone to McDonald’s on a date move backward one chair.”
- “If you have ever left your sweetheart a message of love on an answering machine move forward one chair.”
- “If you have ever sent a Valentine without signing it with your name move backward one chair.”
- “If you have ever Sent you sweetheart a mushy SMS message move forward one chair.”
- “If you have ever bought your sweetheart an item of clothing that was too small or too large move back one chair.”
- “If you initiated the very first kiss with your sweetheart move forward one chair.”
- “If you blush when kissed move backward one chair.”
- “If you have never been on a romantic date then move forward two chairs.”
- “If you have held hands with your sweetheart in a public place move back one chair.”
- “If you like to do things for someone to show you love them move forward one chair.”
- “If you have ever received a call from an ex boyfriend / girlfriend while out on a date with your new sweetheart move back two chairs.”
- “If you have ever been chaperoned on a date before move forward one chair.”
- “If you have ever dated someone on the rebound move back one chair.”
- “If you tend to be the decision maker in the relationship move forward one chair.”
- “If you have ever refused to answer the phone after an argument with your sweetheart, move back one chair.”
- “If you think having a steady is overrated, move forward one chair.”
- “If you have ever walked out on a date move back one chair.”
- “If you have ever been offended by the body odor of your sweetheart, move forward one chair.”
- “If you have ever gone to a party with a date, but left with someone else move back one chair.”
- “If you like to give gifts to show someone you love them move forward one chair.”
- “If you have ever made an embarrassing body noise while on a date, move back one chair.”
- “If you have ever been recognized by a friend while on a date, move forward one chair.”
- “If you have not brushed your teeth today, move back one chair.”
- “If you wore something special on Valentine’s day move forward one chair.”
- “If you have ever eaten at a lousy restaurant on Valentine’s day move back one chair.”
- “If a friend introduced you or set you up with your sweetheart, move forward one chair.”
- “If you tend to be passive in relationships move back one chair.”
- “If you are still friends with someone you used to date move forward two chairs.”
- “If you have a difficult time expressing love move back one chair.
- ADD your own…
Take It to the Next Level
- Do you ever feel that some of your dating relationships are like this game – sometimes you move forward and sometimes you find yourself moving backwards?
- As you think back over the past year, do you think you have moved forward in your relationships or backwards?
- How do you measure progress in your relationships?
- Do you ever feel you are going in circles in your relationships? Why?
- What are some things that move relationships forward?
- What are some of the things that create setbacks in relationships?
- What are some Biblical guidelines for relationship?
Action Point
- Take a few moments to commit your self to a couple plans of action (things to avoid or things to do) in order to improve the significant relationships in your life!

Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.
Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween or Fall Festival, and Thanksgiving event. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for all these holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.
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