Game Description
The trust fall is one of the most dramatic trust games. Use this group building game to build community, teamwork, and trust within the group as members rely on the protection of the group to prevent themselves from being injured.
Game Materials
- A raised platform of some type – a stump, small wall, table, ladder, etc. The platform should be no higher than 6 feet (less than 2 meters) and at least the height of about 4 feet (about 1 meter).
- There should be 10-12 individuals standing on level ground to serve as catchers.
Game Preparation
This game requires a minimum of 10-12 persons to have appropriate protection. Impress upon participants that this is not a time for joking around, but a time to be serious and inspire trust in each other. They need to be encouraging and affirming, helping to alleviate the fear associated with trusting someone else.
Game Play
- Begin by asking a youth to stand on the raised platform from which they will fall backward into the arms of a prepared group of spotters.
- The person falling should keep his or her arms crossed over their chest with the palms gripping opposite shoulders. When falling they should not bend their knees as it concentrates the force of the fall on a few people making catching more difficult.
- The two lines of catchers stand shoulder to shoulder facing one another. Hands are to the side with the inside of forearms extended, palms face up so that hands are alternated and juxtaposed in order to provide a secure landing area. It is preferablle that the catchers who are facing each other do not grasp hands. It is not necessary and a knocked head WILL result as the weight of the person falling will pull the two catchers holding hands together. If the group chooses to lock arms together, do so by gripping the wrist of the person opposite, not the hand. Do not cross arms as this can injure the falling volunteer.
- Assign one person in the group to stand on the platform and with the volunteer about to fall or to be in very close proximity. This adult leader should make sure the faller is:
- spacially aligned with the catchers:
- has hands across chest in the correct position
- tilting his or her head slightly back as a means to keep the body rigid so that they do not bend at the knees.
He should also rearrange the spotters if there appears to be an appreciable size or strength discrepancy in opposing catchers.
- The adult leader asks the catchers if they are ready. When they are ready they say “fall” and the person falling says “falling” and falls.
Discussion Ideas
- Trust: How did it feel be forced to rely on someone else? What fears did you have? Did you trust they would prevent you from harm? How does this relate to trusting God with our lives?
- Protection: In this game we have to protect someone in the group from injury. Do we as a group have an obligation to look out for each other? What are some of the ways we can protect each other in our lives?
- Helping Those who Fall: What are some ways we can help to catch those who fall? We are surrounded by fallen humanity who need help. How can we help? What can we do when a Christian falls?
- Reliance: In this group, the person in the center had to rely on the group. What are some of the ways we have to rely on each other in the Christian life? Do we need each other?

Icebreakers Ahead: Take It To the Next Level
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