Before the Game
- Put safety first. One preventable accident can ruin your whole day (and even the entire event!) Troubleshoot what could go wrong and try to put protections in place to prevent accidents and injuries.
- Try out the game yourself first to check that it works, so that you can check timings, confirm the necessary materials, and to ensure you can answer any questions that arise about the game play.
- Become proficient yourself first with any team games that you intend to use. This includes anyone helping you in the running of a game.
- Make sure all game instructions are clear and complete – essential for keeping control and credibility. Factor the time for instructions for the game play. Part of being prepared for a game is knowing how to explain it quickly.
- You can simplify, adapt, shorten or lengthen most games. To turn a long complex game into a quick activity or warm-up, scale down the materials, shorten the time allowed, and make the exercise easier.
- Always bring spare materials and equipment to allow for more people and breakages or loss.
- Plan your activities to move easily from game to game. For instance, if everyone is seated, then play two or three “sitting” games.
- Plan alternatives and variations and be willing to use them.
During the Game
- Get the attention of the group.
- Stand where everyone can see you. (i.e. Do not stand in the middle of a circle, but stand as part of the circle when giving instructions. If outdoors, make sure you are the one facing the sun.)
- Use other prepared adults as helpers AND participants
- Have a quick tactic planned to divide teams fast. Arrange competing teams so they are equal in strength and skill.
- Start positively and with energy. Say, “We’re going to play a game now!” rather than ask, “Do you want to play a game?” Better yet, just start giving instructions to play.
- Put the group into the correct “position” to play the game before explaining the instructions. Divide into teams, lines, circles, pairs, etc. first. This reduces confusion and allows the group to start playing sooner.
- Clearly explain the games in a step by step manner – Groups will cooperate better if they know what is going to happen.
- Demonstrate what you want them to do. Demonstrate more; talk less!
- Give just enough information to start the game. Do not try to anticipate all possible situations.
- Have a single round as a test round to be sure everyone knows how to play.
- End the game on a high. Stop the game before interest lags. It is better to have people wanting for more. Channel their enthusiasm to the next planned activity.
- Remember that the game leader may always stop the game and modify the rules if the need arises. Change the rules to meet the situation.
- Encourage players with positive feedback. Communicate honest acceptance.
- If there is something missing, improvise.
- Learn to use whatever materials are available.
- If you’re leading a game … STEP ASIDE so that participants can see each other and enjoy what is happening.
- There are times when well-planned, well-executed games do not work. Be willing to acknowledge a flop and move on. If it’s not fun or meaningful, stop!
- Don’t take yourself or your games too seriously.
- Hot Seat Games that will produce group enjoyment at the expense of an individual.
- Games that are culturally biased and may alienate players.
- Games that require expertise and may divide the group into those who are confident and those who are
- not.

Icebreakers Ahead: Take It To the Next Level
This 170 page resource not only provides 52 of the world’s most popular group icebreaker activities and games, but also includes lesson ideas and discussion questions to smoothly transition into conversations about the issues common to most groups.
Click here to find out how to get your hands on this incredible resource!