Purchase several pairs of tube socks (at least four). Gather the same number of items that relate to mothers — lipstick, pacifyer, ring, kitchen utensil, etc. Be sure objects are not fragile. Place one item in each sock, tie it closed, and pin a number on it.
Children and Youth have to feel each sock using their FEET ONLY and try to guess what is in the sock. Write down each guess by number on a sheet of paper. Whoever guesses the most items correctly wins a prize.
Obtain interesting objects belonging to various individual mothers or have the children bring a “show and tell” item relating to his/her mother. For a mother-child activity you can also put items belonging to the children in a sock.
Just as there are numerous items related to mothers, the things that mothers do for us are also numerous. But the true glory of a mother is not found in the things she owns but in the child she nurtures. Her children are her greatest treasure.
This game for Mother’s Day reminds children and youth of the numerous roles that mothers play in our lives

Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.
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