Game Description
In this relay race groups must blow and fan soap bubbles to a destination and back.
Game Materials
- Soap bubbles
- Soap wands (Bubble wands can be purchased or easily created from clothes hangers or just about any available wire.)
- Paper fans (optional)
- one pie tin or shallow pan for each group
Game Preparation
You can purchase bubble solution or make your own. To make your own you will need:
- A plastic mixing bucket
- 1 gallon distilled water. Tap water does not work too well and bubbles do last as long.
- 12 oz. of dish washing liquid (Non-Ultra Dawn Original Scent or Joy are recommended)
Here’s how:
- Add the entire gallon of distilled water into your mixing bucket.
- Stirring SLOWLY so as not to make lather, add in the 12 oz. of dish washing liquid
- Gently stir in 3 tablespoons (1 oz) of glycerin
- For longer lasting but smaller bubbles add 4 ounces more dish washing detergent 2-4 more tablespoons glycerin.
Various dish washing detergents will have different characteristics so experiment a little to get the best solution. Also, higher humidity days allow the bubbles to last longer so this is great for rainy days.
Game Play
- Pour soap solution into 1 pie pan for each group.
- Each team is given a soap bubble wand
- In this relay the racer must blow a bubble and then blow or fan it across the room and back.
- If any team’s soap bubble breaks before it can be fanned acoss the goal line, than a new bubble must be blown at the point where the last one broke.
- This can be done in pairs as well, with one person the designated bubble blower and the other responsible for fanning the bubble. In this case, the bubble blower should follow behind the person who is fanning the bubble.
- Add a stopwatch and you can have a competition to see which team’s bubble lasts the longest.
- Have a competition to see which team can blow the most unique bubble arrangement.
- Have a competition to see which team can blow the biggest bubble.
Potential Applications
This can be used as a discussion starter about the things in life that are temporary vs. eternal. Are you focused on things that will last? What things will last? (Matthew 6:19-21; Luke 12:15-21)

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.