Red Santa Hat or green elf hat for each participant
Game Play
This games takes place during the duration of the entire event.
1. Everyone must wear a hat.
2. At the start of the Christmas Party announce the simple objective: The objective is to NOT to be the last person left with a hat on.
3. There is only one rule: no one can take their hat off until you have.
Continue with the party activities. As time goes by, people will take their attention off you, and even forget about the game. Without drawing attention to yourself, remove your hat and watch as people catch on. Gradually the hats will come off, with snickering and smirks. Some unsuspecting person will be the last to notice, and much to every ones’ laughter, will be caught as the last person with his/her hat on.
Give them an appropriate forfeit, then put the hats back on and give the loser the chance to start the next round by taking his/her hat off first at a time of his choosing.
1. Put the group in a circle facing front to back.
2. One person is left without a hat.
3. The person without a hat is allowed to take the hat of the person immediately in front of him/ her in the circle.
4. In the style of musical chairs the game goes until the music stops.
5. Whenever a person loses his hat he takes one off the person in front of him.
6. The person without a hat when the music stops gets a forfeit or is eliminated from the game.

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