Find an inflatable version of a globe. If you cannot find an inflatable globe, inflate a blue balloon and use a permanent marker to draw outlines of the continents. A globe that is beachball size would be wonderful.
With one of the above you can play a game of dodgeball. In a sense, dodgeball is a game of persecution. Sometimes people team up against others. They attack each other. People are left out. By using a globe or several globes as the dodgeball, you represent the attack of the world. Add additional globes to increase the pace of the game.
Did you feel like others teamed up against you?
Did you find the game stressful or relaxing?
How did it feel to be knocked out?
In what ways does the world team up on us as Christians?
Are there ways that Christians are left out?
How does Christ give us strength and peace during persecution and times of trouble.
There are numerous variations of dodgeball that can be played:
Partner Dodgeball
In this game, you link arms with a partner. If your partner is knocked out he can shield his partner from being hit. This has an addition point of application in that Jesus also shields us from attack and protects us during times of persecution.
Pick-up dodgeball
In this game, you must sit down if the ball touches you. But if a ball rolls by you, you can reach out and grab it. You are then able to stand and get back into the game again.

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