No Stress Thanksgiving Party Games for the Whole Family to play as they are sitting around the dinner table
Thanksgiving A to Z
– Use this Thanksgiving Activity along with ABC’s of Thanksgiving to encourage family and friends to consider the things they should be thankful for.
Mayflower Memory
– This Thanksgiving Activity for youth and adults tests the memory of those who participate.
Count Your Blessings
– Too often, when families and friends get together we try to outdo each other with a long list of complaints and things we are unhappy about. With this Thanksgiving game, youth and adults are challenged to outdo each other in listing all the blessing they have to be thankful for.
Tearable Turkey – In this simple Thanksgiving Party Game, youth, adults, and children are challenged to rip a sheet of construction paper into the shape of a turkey — behind their back.
Top Turkey Artist
– How well can you draw a turkey when you can’s see what you are drawing?
Thanksgiving Quiz
– Take the thanksgiving quiz and see how much you know about this American Holiday!
Thanksgiving Memory Game
– This Thanksgiving Party game can be used with small or large groups. The key objective is to remember a long and growing list of Thanksgiving related items.
Thanksgiving Boggle
– How many words can you make from the letters in the word “Thanksgiving”
Thanksgiving Trivia Quiz
– How much do you know about the history of Thanksgiving, the pilgrims, The foods we eat at Thanksgiving Dinner, and other things related to the Thanksgiving Holiday Celebration?

Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.
Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next Thanksgiving event with your youth. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for common holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.
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