At Easter, instead of using decorated hard-boiled eggs for your Youth Easter Activities, you can sometimes use just the egg shells with the contents removed. Here is a simple way to empty the contents of an egg without creating too much of a mess — and it leaves most of the egg shell intact.
- Fresh Eggs
- One nail, Sewing needle, or a sharp tipped object
- One bowl
- Optional Sharp pointed scissors
What to do
- Set the bowl on the table and work above the bowl to avoid making a mess. The bowl not only catches any egg yolk or egg white that might spill, but it also allows you to save the egg contents to use for an omellete or for cooking. If you choose to save the egg whites/ yolk be sure to refrigerate or cook it the same day to avoid it going bad.
- Holding the egg above the bowl, scrape the end of the egg with the nail or needle until you wear away a little of the shell and create a small hole. Don’t apply to much pressure or you will break the egg.
- After you have broken through the shell, do the same thing again on the opposite end of the egg.
- Carefully enlarge the hole with a sharp pointed pair of scissors or using the nail / needle to break off small pieces of the edge of the opening until it is about 1/8 of an inch in diameter or slightly larger.
- Hold one end of the egg up to your mouth and blow hard but steadily into the hole so that the contents exit from the other end of the egg and are caught in the bowl. If it is too difficult to blow the contents out you might need to increase the size of the exit hole a little bit.
- CAUTION: Sometimes if the egg is weak or the pressure inside is too great it could simply explode. Don’t worry, that is what the bowl is for and it adds a little eggcitement to the activity. 🙂
- You may have to do this more than once before the egg is empty. Then run some hot water into the opening of the egg, covering the other end and getting as much hot water inside the empty egg shell as possible. Empty it, and repeat this several times until the water from inside the egg runs clear.
- Put a paper towel or tissue into the egg carton the and set the egg back into it, one hole down, to drain the egg.
- Once it dries you can decorate the egg just as you would a normal hard-boiled egg. You can use a little white toothpaste or plaster to cover the holes if you wish.
You now have hollowed eggs that you can use to decorate and save or use as slightly more fragile replacements for hard boiled eggs.
Check out the Creative Youth Ideas Easter Collection for ideas using Eggs during your Easter Activities for Youth, Children, and even adults.

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