Game Objective
The object of this Christmas scavenger hunt variation is to travel in the direction indicated by one point of a Christmas star until another star of the same color is found. A series of Christmas stars will eventually lead the youth or children to a Christmas Gift marked by a star. This Christmas game serves as an introduction to the wisemen in the Christmas Story who followed the star to find baby Jesus.
Make some stars in gold, silver and other metallic colors. Cut them from Christmas wrapping paper. You can find foil wrapping paper in various colors throughout the Christmas season. You should have at least 10 stars of each color and one color for each team. On one of the points of each star draw an arrow pointing to the tip of that point. The size of the star will determine the difficulty of the game. Smaller stars will be harder to find. Also prepare a Christmas gift wrapped in the same colored wrapping paper as the stars you have created. Draw a star on top of the Christmas gift. This gift could be a prize for the whole team such as a box of candy or chocolates they can share. Inside each box of Christmas candy include a different figure from a nativity scene.
Setting up the game
Place the Christmas stars in a circle on the floor in a large open area. Orient the stars and tape them to the floor so that the tip of the star with an arrow on it points in a direction for the youth or children to travel. Travel in that direction and place the next star of the same color for them to follow. Again orient it so that the point with the arrow indicates the direction of the next star. Place all the stars in this manner so that each team is led on a journey. Don’t make the stars too visible or too obvious but force participants to search a little for each star. (You can put the star under a table or in an inconspicuous place.) After the last star is placed, have it point to the Christmas gift you have prepared wrapped in the same color of foil wrapping paper. Make sure all the stars are securely fastened so that they will not accidentally be misaligned.
Playing the Game
- Inform each team of the color of star they must follow.
- Teams may not touch or remove the stars of other colors.
- They must travel in the direction indicated by each star until they find a Special Christmas gift of the same color of wrapping paper as their team’s stars.
- Give participants a time to return and let them go.
- Commend the team that returns the quickest, but make sure all teams get the same gift at the end!
- Who do we know in the Bible that followed a star?
(Jesus) - How was your journey, following a star, similar to that of the wise men?
You didn’t know where the journey would lead you. Weren’t sure what you would find at the end of the journey. Maybe you had to get past a few obstacles along the way, etc. - Were there times you thought you might have lost the way? Do you think the wisemen in the Bible story also might have felt a little lost at times?
- Did you ask anyone for help? Who? Why did you ask that person?
The wisemen actually stopped and asked King Herod for directions. But when the learned the type of person that he was, they left the city by a different way. - How did you feel when you found the final destination? How might the wisemen have felt when they finally found the King of Kings, the baby Jesus?
The wisemen followed the star to Jesus. They were not sure of where the journey would lead them. They had great faith that they would find something special at the end of their journey. There might have been some doubts and hardships along the way, but what they found was worth the time and effort. They found Jesus! Whether their journey was the quickest or the slowest, at the end they all received the same reward – Jesus.
Have you found Jesus? Maybe you have just started your journey. Maybe you have gotten lost or had doubts along the way. Even so, you have taken a step of faith to follow and see where God leads you. You may not know the final destination, but I can promise you that God not only has something special for you at the end of the journey but he is with you every step of the way!
During this advent season, seek out Jesus in your life! Ask God to guide you in your journey! Wise men still seek Jesus! What is one realistic way you can seek Jesus in your life this Christmas Season!
Teaching Hint
Use this together with my Christmas Devotional about the wisemen “They Followed the Star” Use information from this Christmas Devotion as part of your lesson, or send it to your youth as an email reminder of the lesson you covered the previous week!

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