Circle of Chairs
Game Play
1. Form a circle sitting in chairs and give (or allow each participant to choose) the name of something relating to the Easter story: crown of thorns, cross, nails, etc. “It” calls out two such items. The children / youth with these items try to exchange places before “It” can get one of their places.
2. If the person in the center is able to grab a seat, whoever is left without one must more to the center.
3. Forfeits (Optional)
* If the person calling the items calls something that no one has chosen, then they must do a forfeit.
* If the person in the middle is unable to get a place after 3 tries they must do a forfeit.
* If a person ends up in the center 3 times they must do a forfeit
For example of some of the easter items seeĀ Easter Bingo

Games and Activities in celebration of Easter.
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