Make a list of items that can be found in and around your church.
Scavenger Hunt Objective
Teens will search the church facilities to find the information on the list.
Example items
1. The year the church was built [on the cornerstone]
2. Number of rooms in the church building
3. Number of stairs leading to the sanctuary
4. The name of the first pastor of the church [usually on a plaque in the foyer]
5. The name of the largest book in the church library
6. The number of keys on the church piano/organ.
7. Number of pews / seats in the church
8. [Specific persons who donated hymn books or other items to the church – [usually found on a sticker or metal plate]
9. Number of members in a Sunday School Class [Name the specificclass]
10. Number of beds for toddlers
11. A communion wafer and cup
12. List the names of the various rooms in the church
13. Name of the church secretary
14. Brand of church copier
15. Number of Bibles or hymbooks in the sanctuary
16. Length of the candles at the altar
17. Depth of baptismal pool
18. Number of Choir Robes
19. Last week’s church attendance
20. Last year’s donation amount to Missions
21. Last month’s total offering
22. Pastor’s favorite hymn
23. Most recent couple to get married
24. [Specific images on stained glass windows in certain locations]
25. [Describe specific paintings or statues in specific locations]
26. Names of the missionaries the church supports
27. Oldest living member of the church
28. Day of the week for this year’s Christmas / Easter
29. Number of choir members
30. Street Address of the church
31. [Specific information about a well known church member]
32. Chairman of the church board [or deacons]
33. Title of sermon [from a specific date]
34. Bible Version used by Pastor
35. Height of the cross
36. Number of pillars
37. Place where the Christmas decorations are stored
38. Names of all members of the pastor’s family
39. [Words to a specific line of a specific hymn or song]
40. Church Mission Statement
41. Church theme verse
42. Number of Active members
43. Last year’s high attendance
Create your own. The more specific the information and the more obscure and difficult to obtain it, the better. Be creative and try to make the list educational as well as fun. This can be done as part of a Sunday School lesson on chuch history.
See Conducting Scavenger Hunts for help, Hints, Safety Considerations, Rules, and other useful information to make your scavenger hunt a wild success!

is a 160 page e-book that explains everything you need to know to easily plan your very own scavenger hunt: Item Lists, Rules, Riddles, Safety Tips, Guidelines, Scoring, Tips for Facilitators and MORE! There are more than 50 complete ideas (scavenger hunts, photo hunts, video hunts, amazing race, etc.) to use at home, around the neighborhood, at the mall, in the park, on the beach, at church, and around town!
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