Digital camera for each team
Game Preparation
Set a time for groups to be back then send them off to the local mall or shopping center to get the Christmas Photos.
This is a photo scavenger hunt where participants must take a snapshot of the entire group that satisfies each description in the list. Add point values based upon the difficulty of the photos. Collect the photos at the end for a wonderful slideshow or customised Christmas Cards.
1. One picture per item on the list.
2. 500 points off for each minute after 10:00pm you are late.
3. Everyone in your team has to be seen in each picture.
4. Words written on paper or drawings will not be counted if used instead of a place or object.
5. Be respectful in everything you do.
6. Sponsors have the authority to veto any picture situation for whatever reason.
7. Stay with your sponsor at all times and obey him/ her.
8. No collaborating with other teams.
9. Your sponsor is your official photographer.
10. Winners will be announced after the film is developed and be given special prizes.
11. For each non-group member in a picture, a bonus of 50 points is added.
(Assign points to these based on the difficulty to accomplish each)
Scavenger Hunt Items
* Picture of your team with everyone licking a candy cane.
* Picture of your team reading the Christmas story in their Bibles.
* Picture of your team in a snowy looking landscape- White Christmas
* Picture of your team with a guy on the team in a red or green dress
* Picture of your team all wearing hats and one wearing a Santa Hat
* Picture of your team with Christmas lights
* Picture of your team all wearing red and green ties
* Picture of your team with a snowman
* Picture of your team with a pet wearing a Christmas Bow
* Picture of your team with someone gift wrapped… bow and all
* Picture of your team with Santa in the background
* Picture of your team with someone sitting on Santa’s knee
* Picture of the team with red noses like Rudolph the rednosed reindeer and standing next to a reindeer
* Picture of your team around a Christmas tree with lights
* Picture of your team with a Christmas angel
* Picture of the team with everyone wearing shaving cream Santa beards
* Picture of your team with elves
* Picture of your team posing as a nativity scene
* Picture of your team with a Manger scene – The Real meaning of Christmas
* Picture of your team singing Christmas carols to a church member
* Picture or your team presenting a Christmas gift to a total stranger
* Picture of your team donating to a worthy charity.
* Picture of your team with the parent’s of someone on your team.
* Picture of your team with a church staff member
* Picture of your team with one member dressed up like Santa!
* Picture of a team member on Santa’s lap with everyone else crowded around
* Picture of your team with all the younger brothers/ sisters of someone on your team.
* Picture of your team with a church in the background
* Picture of your team all hugging each other
* Picture of your of one of your team members kissing a Christmas mannequin in a clothes store while the rest of the team looks on. Get permission first!
* Picture of your team spelling out the Word JESUS using your bodies.
See Conducting Scavenger Hunts for help, Hints, Safety Considerations, Rules, and other useful information to make your scavenger hunt a wild success!
Creative Scavenger Hunts: Once Lost, Now Found
is a 160 page e-book that explains everything you need to know to easily plan your very own scavenger hunt: Item Lists, Rules, Riddles, Safety Tips, Guidelines, Scoring, Tips for Facilitators and MORE! There are more than 50 complete ideas (scavenger hunts, photo hunts, video hunts, amazing race, etc.) to use at home, around the neighborhood, at the mall, in the park, on the beach, at church, and around town!
=> Tell me more about the Creative Scavenger Hunts

Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season.Get more than 200 creative ideas for planning a Youth Christmas celebration or Christmas Party party. You can immediately download my best Christmas Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Christmas activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!
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