A Christmas gift that has been wrapped in multiple boxes and multiple layers of wrapping paper with instructions in between each layer.
Game Preparation
Wrap a small gift in a small box. Either use multiple boxes or multiple layers of wrapping paper or a combination. With each box or layer, you will write a message and tape it to the outside of that box or layer. The final box or layer will also have a message on it. (The message on the final big box should read something like this: “This gift goes to the person standing closest to the Christmas tree”. That person receives the gift, opens it and finds the next layer with a message that could say something like this: “So sorry! This present goes to the person who is sitting next to you on the left!” That person then gets the gift and opens it and finds the next box which has a similar message. This continues until you get to the last box which will have the final message designating who actually gets the gift.
Include challenges as part of the messages. An example: “This gift goes to the first person who runs to you and correctly identifies the three gifts the wisemen brought to Jesus.”

Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season.
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