A list of Christmas movies printed on name-tags or address labels. (One title per name-tag)
Icebreaker Description
In this icebreaker / crowdbreaker game, youth will have the name of a Christmas Movie pasted to their back and will wonder the room asking yes or no questions to other youth in an attempt to discover the title of the Christmas movie they have on their back.
Create a list of Christmas Movies/ TV Shows: Here are some of the more common ones: A Charlie Brown Christmas, A Christmas Carol, A Christmas Story, All I Want for Christmas, An American Christmas Carol, Babes in Toyland, Best Christmas Pageant Ever, Christmas Vacation, Elf, Frosty the Snowman, Heidi, Home Alone, Home for Christmas, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, I’ll Be Home for Christmas, It’s a Wonderful Life, Joyeux Noel, Miracle on 34th Street, Nutcracker, Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town, Santa Clause: The Movie, Scrooged, The Little Drummer Boy, The Long-Eared Christmas Donkey Nestor, The Muppet Christmas Carol, The Night Before Christmas, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Polar Express, The Santa Clause, The Year Without a Santa Claus, We’re No Angels, White Christmas
Icebreaker Activity
- Place one of the nametags containing a movie title on the back of every youth as they enter the room.
- Each youth must now try to guess what is on their back by going around the room asking other youth “yes” or “no” questions about the nametage on their back.
- These questions must be yes-no questions (ex. Q. “Am I a recent movie?” A. “Yes”)
- Depending on the size of the youth group, only one question can be asked to each youth in the room (to get everyone talking to everyone else). For small groups you may allow 2 questions per youth.
- The first youth to guess the name of the movie on their back is the winner.
Instead of “yes” or “no” questions, as the youth move around moving from person to person they must name one fact about the movie or one character / person that starred in the movie. As soon as a youth is successful in guessing the title of the movie, he goes and sits down. The youth who is giving information to the person with the nametag tries to keep it somewhat vague so that other youth will not be able to sit down before he does. All information must be factual and honest.

Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season.
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