One copy of the list for each person. Modify the list as needed.
Game Play
1. Find someone to autograph your list for each of the following items. The qualification or action must be completed before the person can sign. You may also choose to limit the number of times a person can sign each list.
2. First person to complete the list gets the prize.
Christmas Confusion
1. Get five autographs 1)____________________ 2)_____________________ 3)___________________
4)___________________ 5) ____________________
2. Find three other people and sing together, “We wish you a Merry Christmas”
Initial each other’s paper here 1)___________ 2)___________ 3)___________
3. Tell someone the names of 6 of Santa’s reindeer then have that person initial here 1)___________
4. You play Santa Claus. Find someone else and ask him/her what he/she wants for Christmas. Give a hearty “Ho, Ho, Ho” and have him or her initial here 1)___________
5. Pick the ornament on a Christmas tree which you like best. Find someone else and give them a 15 second speech on why you like that ornament then have them initial here 1)___________
6. You are Ebenezer Scrooge. Find someone and ask them to wish you a Merry Christmas. When they do, say “Bah, Humbug!” ten times while jumping up and down. Then have that person initial here 1)___________
7. You are a toy soldier in the nutcracker ballet. Find someone to pantomime winding you up. Then march across the room and back. Have them initial here 1)___________
8. You are an angel. Find three fearful shepherds and In your loudest and most majestic voice say “Do not be afraid. I bring you tidings of great joy that shall be to all people.” Have the shepherd initial here 1)___________ 2)___________ 3)___________
9. Find someone of the opposite sex and have them whistle one verse of “away in a manger” to you. Have that person initial here 1)___________
10. Find someone and have them squeak like a mouse. Then say “It was the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.” Have them initial here 1)___________
11. Find three people and sing with a lisp”All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth.”
1)___________ 2)___________ 3)___________
12. Find someone and have them write the best Christmas gift they ever got here _________________________________________________________
13. Find someone and have them write the craziest gift they ever got here

Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season.
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