1. handheld camcorder / video camera for each team
2. Digital or traditional 35mm camera for each team
Scavenger Hunt Objective
Youth must go to church members homes and video tape those church members acting out Bible scenes on their front yards.
The List
Make a list of Bible scenes and allow them to do each scene at one home only. Photograph or videotape it.
Examples: Creation, Adam and Eve and the apple, Noah’s ark, David and Goliath, Samson, Jesus, Balaam, Moses parting the Red Sea, Conquering Jericho, Ezra rebuilding the temple, Daniel in the lion’s den, Jonah and the whale, Joseph cast in a well, The plagues of Egypt, Baptism of Christ, Healing the paralytic, healing the blind man, Miracles of Jesus, Scenes from a specific book of the Bible, The angel visits the shepherd, the birth of Christ, the Wisemen, The cross, the resurrection, Easter events, Christmas events, Paul and Silas in prison, Paul’s shipwreck, Scenes from Revelation, Jesus walking on water, Jesus calms the seas, Feeding the 5000, and so many more you can choose from…
For video, they may also choose to sing the praise and worship choruses with the family watching. Give them extra points if that can get the family to participate.
In addition to awarding an overall winner, also award prizes for funniest, best dressed, most unlikely Bible character, etc.
See Conducting Scavenger Hunts for help, Hints, Safety Considerations, Rules, and other useful information to make your scavenger hunt a wild success!

is a 160 page e-book that explains everything you need to know to easily plan your very own scavenger hunt: Item Lists, Rules, Riddles, Safety Tips, Guidelines, Scoring, Tips for Facilitators and MORE! There are more than 50 complete ideas (scavenger hunts, photo hunts, video hunts, amazing race, etc.) to use at home, around the neighborhood, at the mall, in the park, on the beach, at church, and around town!
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