Hear, oh, hear! The Christmas bells are ringing peal upon peal, chime upon chime! Full and clear they ring, and the air quivers with joy. What is the burden of their music as it floats far and wide? Awake! Awake! it says. A great Change is coming — peace upon earth, good-will to all men….
…Then ring all the bells on earth! ‘Tis Christmas Day in the morning of brotherhood. Ring man’s great joy from pole to pole, from sea to sea! Tug with mighty arms at the bell rope that the sound may ring out full and far and long! Light the world’s Christmas tree with stars. Heap offerings upon its mighty branches. Bring the Yule-log to the world-fireplace. Deck the world-house with holly and mistletoe and proclaim everywhere the Christmas of the human race!
Source: Helen Keller, “Out of the Dark: Essays, Letters and Addresses on Physical and Social Vision.” Doubleday, Page & Co. Garden City, NY. 1913. pp. 274-282.

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