Many different kinds, sizes and shapes of keys: old-fashioned keys, keys on funny key rings, car keys, a huge honorary key (as “a key to the city”), hotel keys (both the traditional kind and the plastic card kind with the electronic code), etc. Have a one lock which can be opened by one of the keys.
Ask kids to identify what all the objects have in common. Of course they are keys. Then ask them what each key might open?
The keys represent things to us
House keys – a home
Skeleton key – something old/ antique
Key ring – lots of opportunities
Car Key – going places
Hotel Key – Vacation / Holiday
PadLock Key – Security for your valuable possessions
Then show them the padlock and let them identify which key might open the lock?
Some people say there are many different ways to GodBut the Bible says the only way to God is through Jesus. Which is what Jesus meant when be said, “I am the way” in John 14:6.
He is the key to heaven and eternal security with God. Like the house key, he is the key to our heavenly home. Like the car key, he is our way to go there. Like the padlock key, he opens up the riches of God to us. Jesus didn’t say he pointed to the way, or that he knew the way, or even that he could teach the way. He said he is “the way.”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.