A piece of candy or reward for each participant.
Promise a prize to those that win this game!
Form groups of three. Based upon different criteria one person will be told to “get lost” To begin, have youth alphabetize their first names and tell the person with his/her name closest to “A” to “Get lost!” Those who are told to get lost must quickly join a different pair. The last person to reach a pair AND the two people in that pair are eliminated from the game. Then tell youth to find out from each other when they were born. Direct the oldest and youngest in each trio to tell the middle youth to “get lost!” As before, new trios are formed and the last person to reach a pair and the remaining pair are eliminated. Continue to play with new criteria for getting lost until only one trio survives. Then you tell this trio that for being so cut-throat competitive that they must all “Get Lost!”
Criteria for Getting Lost: (or make up your own)
1. name closest to letter “A”
2. Niether the youngest or the oldest in a group.
3. Has the most colorful socks
4. has the oldest living grandparent
5. has the most cousins
6. has the least # of pets
7. has the largest pet.
8. Is the tallest
9. Has the longest hair
10. Has the shortest fingernails
11. has the biggest foot.
12. has the longest finger
13. has the darkest skin tone
14. has the smallest nose
15. lives farthest from the church
16. lives on the highest floor
Application Point
Tell youth they all “LOST” but in grace you are going to consider them all the victors and give each a prize. Grace is actually an “undeserved gift.” In the book of Romans we discover that all men are “lost” because of our sinful nature. Like some of the characteristics in the game, part of our sinful nature we have no control over… it was passed down as a result of Adam and Eve’s fall. But other aspects of our sinful nature are due to choices we made so that we are without excuse. But through Grace, God pardons our sin so that we are no longer lost, but saved! Instead of getting lost, let’s “get saved”. Through God’s grace. Let me tell you how…

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.