"Fruit of the Spirit - Youth Camp Curriculum Youth Bible Study by Creative Youth Ideas"
What is the goal and purpose of the Christian life? For some youth, the high point of their Christian lives was their salvation experience - the sinner's prayer is their ticket to heaven and that's the end of that. For other youth, God continues to be a part of their lives - but as a divine vending machine, dispensing blessings and help whenever they call on Him. For others, their Christian life is full of challenge and persecution, yet they persist in being faithful to what God has called them to out of obligation. But Jesus saw life as a believer as a much richer experience. He said that He came that we might have life to the fullest - an abundant life (John 10:10).
But how do we discover the abundant life that Jesus promised?
Christ and His apostles often referred to Christian living as a “walk”. God's Word was never meant to be stored away, like a good book on a shelf. It was meant to be lived out in the day to day, moment by moment, thoughts, attitudes and actions of a person.
While Jesus walked the earth, He painted two beautiful pictures of what it meant to be His disciple. The first was “the Parable of the Sower and the Soils” and it revolved around seed being planted in various soils. The seed (Word of God) planted in the good soil not only flourished, but produced fruit in abundance. (Luke 8:5-15, Matthew 13:1-23 and Mark 4:3-20) His teaching was meant to be implanted in a person's heart, to take root, to grow, and eventually to culminate in a fruitful life.
The second picture is in John 15:1-6 where Jesus refers to himself as the vine and his disciples as the branches. The result of His disciples' relationship of abiding in Him and His words is that they would bear much fruit. The passage also contained a warning that those who did not produce fruit would be gathered and cast into the fire, and even those who did produce would be pruned so that they produced even more fruit. Obviously a fruitful life was very important to Jesus.
The Christian walk doesn't end with one's salvation, rather, salvation is the point where our relationship to God is restored and the starting point of a wonderful life of growing together in Him, bearing much fruit being faithful to what God has called each of us to do.
Through the lessons and activities of this guide, my objective is that each participant, teacher and student is equipped to WALK together with God and live the transformed life of a new creation in Christ.
As you prepare for this study, you will discover how, like the branches Jesus called us to be, youth can live a fruitful Christian life by being connected to our Vine, Jesus Christ. Youth will learn about:
- Heart Preparation “The Good Soil” (Matthew 13: 3-9, 18-23; Luke 8:5-15; Mark 4:3-20)
- Sin & Confession “Pulling Weeds” (Matthew 13:22; James 1:13-18; I John 1:9-10)
- The Seeds You Sow Determine the Harvest You Reap “Planting Seeds” (Galatians 6:6-9)
- Abiding in Christ “Drawing from the Source” (John 15:1-17)
- Cultivating Spiritual Fruit “The Fruitful Life” (II Peter 1:2-8)
- Deciding Between Good and Best “Pruning” (Matthew 22:25-29; I Cor 13:4-7)
- Your Spiritual His-tree and Destiny “Tree-mendou Fruit” (Matthew 22:25-29; I Cor 13:4-7)
These lessons are designed to help each youth grow towards a deeper, more loving relationship with God and move them from a place of indifference to one of total dependance on God. To use the analogy from Psalm 1, to be a tree planted by the waters, which bears fruit and whose leaves will not wither.
It is my prayer that God might deal with the root issues that lie buried deep in the hearts of each youth and teacher so that they my be healthy, growing Christians that impact their families, communities and their world for God's glory.
Fruit of the Spirit
Only $19.97
The Lessons
There are 7 Primary Bible study Sessions in the series, but you can pick and choose from these for a shorter youth camp. You may even wish to use these as a study series in your youth meetings, Youth Bible study groups, or youth small groups.
I have created this Bible Study Series for youth in an ebook (PDF) format that includes both a teacher's guide and students' guide. The Teacher's guide explains the options and comes with an additional commentary, activities, and illustrations. The student's guides are found at the end of the book and are intended to be printed on sheets of letter-size paper (front and back). Make as many copies as you need of the teacher's guide and student worksheets. It couldn't be easier!
You can get this ebook today (in fact, you can be using it in as little as 5 minutes from now!).
What's a resource like this worth?
- This
is a complete Bible Study Series that is reproducible - you can make as many copies as you need for your camp, youth meetings, bible studies, and small groups. Most camp materials from bookstores require you to buy one copy for each youth at the camp.
Depending on the size of your youth group, it could cost you 100's of dollars!
- I have been paid US$500 to write customized camp Bible study materials like this for church youth camps that were similar in format to this study.
Fruit of the Spirit
Only $19.97
But you can get this Youth Camp Resource today for only US$19.97
That's right, just a fraction of what it's really worth. Why would I make it so affordable? Simply because my purpose is to help as many young people as possible.
This is an electronic book (e-book) that can be downloaded to your computer in a flash. Which means you can be reading it and using it in as little as 5 minutes from now. This e-book is in full color and you have the option of printing it in color if you have the capability.
US$19.97 is a drop in the ocean compared to what other people are charging for similar resources.
And don't worry, if for any reason you're not happy with the content, you have a complete guarantee to protect your investment.
 My Personal Guarantee
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I’m so certain that Fruit of the Spirit will save you time, give you some incredible ideas and help you plan that special occassion better that I’m offering you a “No-Questions-Asked” 100% Money Back Guarantee.
All I ask is you try out the Fruit of the Spirit at my risk. And if you don’t benefit at all from them, I honestly want you to ask for your money back. Simply contact me here and I’ll happily refund your money in full (in fact, I’d be embarrassed to keep it).
I am doing this to help you and if you’re not happy, then I haven’t achieved my goal. So if you’re not happy with what you get, I don’t expect … or want … to keep your money.
But… the e-book is yours to keep no matter what, as a “thank you” gift from me!
Fruit of the Spirit
Only $19.97
Wishing you a Blessed Bible Study Experience.

With YOUth on my Heart,
Ken Sapp
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