Through a partnership with Christian Counseling and Education Service (CCES) I am now able to offer you a wonderful resources for your drama or puppet ministry that will help your children to Learn, Love and Live the Word of God!
In many churches, puppets are wonderful tools to teach children, youth, and adults the truths of God’s Word! But finding scripts that are suitable for puppets can be difficult.
But there is help. CCES (Christian Counseling and education service) has published a book that contains 15 scripts/skits that can be acted out by children or performed by puppets.
Click here to order your puppet / skit resource today.
Here’s a bonus script (not in the book) to give you an idea of what you will be getting:
By Ann Shorb
Script may be performed by puppets or by children.
AIM: To encourage children to develop a thankful heart.
CHARACTERS: Two children–one grumpy, one cheerful.
PROPS: A pair of glasses; books or backpacks, optional.
(Both puppets enter from left while talking–may be carrying books, or wearing backpacks. Sally is wearing the glasses.)
Brady: School was terrible today!
Sally: Why?
Brady: (Very upset.) There were peas in the soup at lunch; the teacher gave us tons of homework; and even the basketball was flat at recess!
Sally: (Shakes head.) You had a pretty rough day!
Brady: And tonight it’s my turn to help with dishes. (Sigh.)
Sally: It won’t take long. (Pause. Look straight at him.) Brady, you haven’t noticed my new glasses yet.
(Both puppets stop walking and he looks at her carefully.)
Brady: I noticed, but I think glasses look dumb.
Sally: (Proudly.) They make me look sophisticated, and I think they’re wonderful!
Brady: How come you’re always happy about everything?
Sally: Because I try to be thankful for everything.
Brady: But everything always goes wrong for me! There’s nothing to be thankful for.
Sally: There’s always something to be thankful. You just have to look for it.
Brady: How about homework?
Sally: It helps us learn more.
Brady: Washing dishes?
Sally: Well, I’m thankful we have food to put on the plates, which is what makes them need washing . . . and that Mom cooks it for us . . . and for water to wash the dishes . . .
Brady: O.K, O.K., I get it.
Sally: It’s all in the way you see things. You can complain, or you can be thankful.
Brady: How could I be thankful when the ball was flat today?
Sally: You fixed it with that little pump, didn’t you?
Brady: Yeah.
Sally: Then, be thankful you didn’t have to use your mouth!
Brady: Oh, Sally!
Sally: Brady, I think you need a pair of new glasses, too.
Brady: But my eyes are perfect!
Sally: Oh, these should go on the inside–on your heart.
Brady: Glasses on your heart? That’s crazy!
Sally: All you ever see are things to complain about. I wish you had a special pair of glasses that would make you see things to be thankful for.
Brady: I guess I could try to see things like you do.
Sally: It would be like having that special pair of glasses, and things would look better to you.
Brady: (Looks carefully at her.) You know, Sally, you’re new glassed don’t really look dumb. I think I actually like you in those glasses.
Sally: And I’m going to like you in your new glasses, too!
(Both they nod to each other in agreement and exit to right.)
Teacher, follow the puppet show with the reading of I Thessalonians 5:18, Colossians 3:15, Psalm 107:1. Let the class name things for which it is hard to be thankful. Close in prayer asking God to help each one develop a thankful heart.
©Copyright, Ann Shorb, Ph.D. Christian Counseling & Educational Services
239 York Street , Hanover , PA 17331

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.